3 tips for viralizing your World No Tobacco Day hashtag

Sílvia Martí
Sílvia Martí
Every May 31, the World Health Organization celebrates World No Tobacco Day, a day in which the public is encouraged to abstain from smoking in order to raise awareness of the health problems caused by this addiction. If you would like to highlight the risks of smoking to your followers in a way that is original, please read on. Below you’ll find three tips for viralizing your World No Tobacco Day hashtag and helping your promotion reach that much further.

Below are three tips for viralizing your World No Tobacco Day hashtag:


1st tip: Choose well and you’ll do well

The WHO has been celebrating World No Smoking Day since 1987 with the aims of drawing attention to the health risks associated with tobacco, and promoting effective policies for reducing consumption. The generic hashtag for this day will probably be #WorldNoTobaccoDay, but your mission is to come up with your own hashtag which is related to the theme, but not exactly the same, and which will provide visibility to your campaign.

When choosing and creating a hashtag, you should keep in mind some points which will help you achieve a higher level of viralization, both on Twitter and Instagram.

  • The hashtag should be as short as you can possibly make it. In this way, users will be able to type it quickly – speeding up participation – and they will have more characters left for their tweet.
  • Easy to remember: Users are going to have to remember it, so it should be simple. Although the hashtag doesn’t distinguish between upper and lowercase letters, we suggest that you use ‘camel case’ in order to separate the letters visually and make them easier to read.

E.g. #mothersday becomes #MothersDay

  • Related to the promotion: Include words such as “tobacco”, “nicotine”, “health” or “smoke” to create your hashtag, but also include a word which is indicative of the type of contest you are creating. This will ensure that you create a hashtag that is exclusive to your campaign.

E.g. #SmokelessPhotos, #NoSmokingSweepstake, #GoodbyeCigarettes

  • Avoid non-standard characters: The hashtag should not have spaces, accents, or umlauts. These will only make it more difficult for your followers to write it, and also complicate your gathering of final data to find out how often it was used.


2nd tip: Create a campaign that appeals to people

Smoking is the number-one preventable cause of death on the planet, and it currently kills one in ten adults globally. These are worrying statistics, but it’s always possible to take a more positive approach to the matter.

To viralize your World No Tobacco Day hashtag, organize a photo contest with the more original images being entered into a sweepstake for discount vouchers for spas, free massages and other activities related to health centers.

So how do you motivate your contestants? Very easily – just show them an image or poster of World No Tobacco Day, and encourage them to let their imaginations loose by creating a picture of a world without nicotine.


The objectives of 2015 World No Tobacco Day are to raise awareness of the damage that the illicit commercialization of tobacco causes to the health of the population, especially to young people and those on a low income.

Carry out a campaign of awareness via a photo contest, as we have suggested, and combine it with audio-visual material or a text. Enable your followers to participate by supplying phrases, videos or images to your contest.

With the hashtag gallery application you will be able to import all the tweets, photos and videos on Twitter and Instagram which contain the campaign hashtag. You will be able to install the gallery in your website or Facebook Page and viralize your World No Tobacco Day hashtag more effectively.