Study: Facebook Sweepstakes Generate 1000% More Engagement than Standard Promotional Posts

Easypromos team
Easypromos team
  • Facebook Sweepstakes Hosted through the Easypromos Platform Increase 250%; Results Show More Likes, Comments, Shares and Followers.


Today, Easypromos, a global leader in digital promotions, announced the results of a six-month study of Facebook promotions which found that Sweepstakes posted on a Facebook page receive, on average, more than 1000% more interactions than a standard promotional post on the same page. Facebook sweepstakes enable Facebook page owners to host a giveaway among followers who like or comment on a post.

“Facebook Sweepstakes are becoming one of the most used and effective promotions on Facebook pages” said Carles Bonfill, founder and CEO of Easypromos. “The social nature of sweepstakes encourages follower engagement and sharing, which means greater organic reach and better return on investment than other promotional tools can offer. We are seeing at 250% increase in usage on our platform compared to last year.”

Compared with a standard post, #Facebook Sweepstakes result in 1800% more comments. Share on X

Additional findings of the study found that compared with a standard promotional post, Facebook Sweepstakes, on average, result in 700% more likes, 1800% more comments, and 1300% more shares. The study also concluded that sweepstakes increase followers of a Facebook page by 10% on average for pages that have between 1,000 and 10,000 followers. Results are based on a study of more than 24,000 different Facebook pages, comparing one Facebook sweepstakes post with 10 non-sweepstakes posts on those same pages between January and June, 2016.

Take a look at the complete studies

About Easypromos:

Easypromos is a global leader in digital promotions offering a self-service, easy-to-use platform to create and manage digital campaigns seamlessly across any social media network or device. Launched in 2010, Easypromos has powered digital campaigns supporting contests, sweepstakes, quizzes, surveys, and more through simple, customizable solutions that are easily shareable for more than 450,000 promotions worldwide. Clients span 114 countries, with promotions running in 30 languages.