Brand Awareness Survey – Boost Visibility

Kamila Palka
Kamila Palka
Brand awareness is one of the most vital keys to success. But as important as it is, it might also be equally difficult to find efficient ways of enhancing it. The XXI century customers don’t want to see hard-sell campaigns; they respond much better to thoroughly planned promotional actions that focus more on the customer, their needs, and pain points, rather than the special price of the product itself.

This is why becoming visible and staying top of mind with customers is now harder than ever before. However, a brand awareness survey created and managed with the right tools and approach can help you boost brand recognition and visibility. In this blog post, we take a look at how to launch a brand awareness questionnaire and how to stay relevant when you’re competitors are more awake than ever.

Provide entertainment with a branded Timed Quiz and stay top of mind with customers

Just like we mentioned at the very beginning, your product shouldn’t be the main focus of your campaign. It’s all about the customers and what you can offer them, or rather how your offer will make a difference. Simple and powerful campaigns now all share the same characteristic: they all provide some sort of entertainment, whether it’s a mobile game, funny video, or discount. These types of content get people clicking and sharing, which brings even more eyes to your brand. 

This is why the secret lies in delighting your customers with engaging and interactive campaigns that apart from boosting brand awareness will also help your lead generation strategy. A branded Timed Quiz is a dynamic questionnaire that you can use to take your brand to the next level. Before you say it, yes, this might not be a typical branding quiz but it can definitely increase your brand awareness, as users get to interact with highly engaging content that positively impacts their opinion of your brand. 

Olimpic Quiz DEMO

Take a look at the above example of a Olympic Games Timed Quiz DEMO. Instead of asking about a brand or product, it aims to provide a piece of entertaining content that would appeal to a wider public and offer a product sample as prize. The quiz consists of a series of questions about the games and athletes. Users answered all questions as quickly as possible for a chance to win.

Brand awareness survey: launch fun quizzes to improve customer relationships

The typical branding quiz for customers checks the participants’ knowledge about the organizing brand or its products. However, someone who doesn’t necessarily know your whole product line or new collection might abandon the quiz before hitting the submit button, which is something you obviously don’t want. Avoid this from happening by offering your audience fun quizzes that apart from collecting marketing information can also give your audience something in return. Here are two different types of branding quizzes that don’t come with participation barriers but with fun elements that drive the user to complete the participation. 

Personality Quiz to create a more personal connection with your customers 

A Personality Quiz can be a quick and fun way to create strong connections between your brand and customers, as upon answering questions about their personality, likes, and preferences, the customers feel like the experience is all about them rather than your brand, especially if the customer is going through the very first phase of sales funnel. Additionally, the lead generation process becomes more efficient, as participants share their contact details in order to reveal a hidden personalized message. Let’s not forget that online personality tests are all about entertainment and fun, rather than reliable personality analysis.

brand awareness questionnaire example

The above example shows how a home decor brand engaged with their audience right in time for Halloween. They were looking for a way to increase their brand awareness with a questionnaire for their customers. However, instead of directly asking the participants to share their likes, they asked a series of questions about their decorating preferences. After providing answers to all the questions the users registered to view personalized messages. In this case, they revealed the users’ decorating personalities. Once again, instead of showcasing the products and prices the brand engaged the user and offered some personalized suggestions based on the user’s answers. This way, the participants could – but didn’t have to – view items that might appeal to their decorating preferences.

Raise brand and product awareness with Product Recommenders

Apart from providing fun and entertainment, the Easypromos quiz applications also promote brand awareness. And that’s thanks to their customization options and features. Brands can launch questionnaires for customers that fully showcase the organizer’s corporate colors and logos; this leads to increased awareness and visibility and therefore increases the chances of users recognizing the brand’s visual cues. 

Another type of brand awareness boosting quiz is the Product Recommender app. But they’re a little bit more specialized than Personality Quizzes, as they specifically present the products of the brand. They’re super useful for users in the MOFU stage of your sales funnel when participants especially need some guidance.

So when would brands launch this kind of branding questionnaire for customers? Product Recommenders are especially popular around big campaigns like Mother’s Day, Christmas, or Valentine’s Day when online users look for present ideas. E-commerce businesses can launch social campaigns to capture the users that need help in choosing products for their loved ones. And this is when Product Recommenders come in. Users answer a series of questions about their friend’s or family member’s likes and preferences, and based on their answers, the system displays a product that should best fit their needs and fulfill their expectations. 

Mother's Day Product Recommender

Interested in testing the user experience? Give a go to our Product Recommender DEMO and discover how it can help you boost brand and product awareness. 

Collect feedback from your customers and reward their loyalty

So far we’ve looked at quizzes that brands can launch to provide entertainment and generate user engagement. However, there are other brand awareness questionnaires that companies like to share with their paying customers. Surveys are highly popular with e-commerce stores and online service providers looking to collect feedback from customers. So if you wish to find out what your client base likes the most about your brand and what could be improved, then it’s time to launch a satisfaction survey.

Satisfaction Survey

Surveys are normally delivered to customers via email or text messages; make sure to give the customer time between the purchase and the survey to actually evaluate or test the product. Create a questionnaire with just a few questions to ensure that the users complete it and don’t forget about incentives! Prizes are the best way to thank your clients for taking their time to complete the survey. Discount codes and coupons are especially popular with satisfaction surveys as they encourage repeat purchases

Ready to launch a brand awareness questionnaire for your company? Contact us live chat in case of questions or doubts!

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