Find Out How to Carry Out B2B Promotions on Social Media

Randi Jensen
Randi Jensen
B2B (Business-to-Business) refers to commercial transactions between companies rather than between companies and individual consumers. Is your company involved in B2B? Have you considered running promotional actions through your social media networks?

If we compare B2B businesses with those that only sell their products to individual consumers, we can highlight the following differences:

  1. The number of clients is usually much lower for B2B businesses. There isn’t as much of a margin for increasing the number of customers as the target audience is not so wide.
  2. The same goes for competitors: the market is narrower so there aren’t as many suppliers competing for a share. However, it’s also true that what competition there is is usually fierce and expensive.
  3. Purchasing decisions by businesses are less likely to be made impulsively than those by individual consumers. Companies generally take longer to come to a decision and only do so after careful thought and consideration.
  4. Customer loyalty is generally steadier. When a business client is won, it is usually easier to retain their custom over a prolonged period of time.

Social Networks in B2B

There is a tendency to think that companies whose sales are orientated towards other companies don’t need a social media presence and have little use for running promotions. Nothing could be further from the truth. After all, companies are made up of individuals and they are the ones who make purchasing decisions.

If a company shows itself to be transparent and trustworthy, and if it provides high-quality online content and customer service through digital media, it will find it much easier to attract and loyalize new customers.

So, what advantages does social media provide B2B?

  1. Better brand image.
  2. Brand humanization.
  3. Additional channels for attracting new customers.
  4. A more accessible international presence.
  5. Greater impact and feedback between the online and offline worlds. For example, when promoting an offline event.
  6. Testimonials and positive comments from clients being posted and shared. Negative comments may also be made upon occasion, but if handled well these can be turned into opportunities.

How to take advantage of B2B promotions on Social Networks

As we’ve mentioned previously, companies aren’t abstract entities that can’t be interacted with. In fact, B2B marketing is all about strengthening client – provider relations. Social media networks provide an excellent array of channels for marketers to pursue their B2B marketing strategy.

So, with the aim of dynamizing your social media presence and fomenting a favorable relationship with your professional clients, here are some ideas for B2B social media promotions:

  • Discount coupons. When a company changes supplier it’s usually because it is hoping to improve on the previously provided service and/or save money. Offering a discount on a service or product, or for making the first purchase, can be a good way of boosting sales. Remember that the terms should facilitate the purchase, and, when it comes to B2B marketing, your offer should last several weeks or even months. A practical example of using discount coupons could be the following: a company enquires about your services so you ask them to fill out a contact form and then reward them for registering by giving them a discount coupon.
  • Multiple-choice survey. Use an online Survey to ask users for suggestions on how to improve your products or services. Choose the best answers and put them in practice to achieve an effective loyalization action. You can also create a Knowledge Quiz to find out how much users know about your products. If their responses show that they are not getting the most out of your products, you can recommend good practices to them. You could even invite promotion participants or winners to visit your factory or company headquarters. This will make them feel a part of the manufacturing processes and closer to your brand.
  • Sweepstakes among online communities across different social networks. Here your options are infinite: as rewards for participating in your sweepstakes you could offer businesses extensions on their guarantees or tickets to industry events.

B2B #Marketing is all about strengthening client-provider relations. Use #SocialMedia as part of your #B2B strategy! Share on X

Here are some final tips for carrying out B2B promotions:

  1. Launch promotions that are linked to the industry your company is a part of.
  2. Offer something that will be of interest to the type of client your company is looking for.
  3. Use all the means at the disposal of your company to publicize your promotion.
  4. Offer giveaways such as: a catalogue of products, advanced tutorials, software demos, samples, advanced versions of the product, temporary premium software licenses…

So now it’s clear, Social Media promotions can form a vital part of your B2B strategy. Set up your promotion now or contact our Support Team in case of questions or doubts.