How to do a Giveaway on Facebook and Instagram Simultaneously

César Rodríguez
César Rodríguez
Many brands are present on both Facebook and Instagram and don't want to leave out any of their community members when they run giveaways. Learn here why you should and how to do a giveaway on Facebook and Instagram simultaneously.

Carrying out a giveaway on Facebook and Instagram simultaneously is more common than you might think. In fact, many brands’ marketing strategies include all of their social media channels. Hence, for brands with sizable online communities, the best way to reward followers is to organize giveaways and promotions. Doing so not only builds loyalty but also grows the follower base organically since users feel acknowledged and valued.

Multi Network giveaway app

How to do a giveaway on Facebook and Instagram simultaneously

If you’re looking into running one giveaway that takes place on both Facebook and Instagram simultaneously, keep on reading. This is the article for you!

The first thing to bear in mind is that your giveaway has to be comment-based. This way, it can take place on both social networks at once. And so, you have to inform participants that commenting on the giveaway post is a requirement to participate

The giveaway posts on Facebook and Instagram should have the same image and the same participation requirement: to comment on the post. Therefore, the comment can be the answer to a question you ask in the post or something related to the theme of the giveaway. Doing this will allow you to carry out the simultaneous giveaway in an automated, reliable, and trustworthy manner. 

Once the participation period of your giveaway has come to an end and participants have commented on the Instagram or Facebook posts, it is time to pick the winners of your multi media giveaway. To do it, all you have to do is:

  1. Register at Easypromos, it’s free.
  2. Select the “Multi-Network Giveaway” option.
  3. Create an organizing brand and pick a name for your giveaway.
  4. Connect your Facebook and Instagram accounts to the Easypromos tool.
  5. Select the giveaway posts where participants commented, both the organic and the promoted ones.
  6. Import all the comments using the automated tool.
  7. Set up the number of winners and alternates and pick them randomly.

Now that we have gone through the steps of picking the winners of a simultaneous Facebook and Instagram giveaway, let’s take a look at some real-life examples!

The Multi-Network Giveaway is an advanced and therefore paid service. There is no first free try of this type of giveaway. Please see our pricing for giveaways here.

Simultaneous Facebook and Instagram giveaway with a single winner

Our first example is a Facebook and Instagram giveaway that the chips/crisp brand Two Farmers. The brand organized a Spring giveaway. The objective was to promote their products and create engagement on both networks. So, the brand organized a giveaway on Facebook and Instagram and randomly picked a winner from among the users that commented either on the Facebook or Instagram post.

Giveaway on Facebook and Instagram, one winner

To participate, users had to comment on the giveaway post about what their favorite part of Spring is. The lucky winner was pampered with a hamper full of goodies from Two Farmers and two collaborating brands.

Learn about the Instagram giveaway rules before launching your promotion.

Simultaneous giveaway on Instagram and Facebook with multiple winners

One more Facebook and Instagram giveaway, this time organized by skincare brand MartiDerm Portugal. In this case, the brand organized a giveaway to promote its sunscreen line. To participate, users had to comment on either of the giveaway posts saying which quality of the new sunscreen line is their favorite. 

Giveaway on Facebook and Instagram with multiple winners

The natural prize of this giveaway was the sunscreen products. And so, they gave away two sunscreens to ten randomly selected participants. Talk about the perfect prize before summer! 

Instagram and Facebook giveaway with organic and promoted posts

The third example comes from Spanish drink distributor “La Bebida de tus Fiestas”. They took St. Patrick’s Day as an opportunity to promote themselves. Consequently, the giveaway post asked their target audience to comment on which drink they preferred: beer or whiskey. The prize was a hamper of the brand’s products and the organizers chose the winner randomly from among all participants who commented on any of the posts.

Giveaway on Facebook and Instagram with organic and promoted posts

Finally, to give the giveaway a wider reach, the brand promoted a post on Instagram. Using the Easypromos platform, the brand was able to collect all the comments on all the posts, whether they were from Facebook or Instagram, promoted or organic.

Promoted posts included in giveaway

Giveaways with collaborators

In our last example, we take a look at two complementary, some would say, brands, Fireheart Coffee and Montezuma’s Chocolate that organized a giveaway to raffle a pack of their own products. For the promotion, each brand published the giveaway post on both Facebook and Instagram for users to comment on to participate. Using the Easypromos platform, the organizers were able to gather all the comments on the various posts and carry out a single prize draw

Collaboration giveaway on Facebook and Instagram
Collaborator posts included in giveaway

Advantages of using Easypromos to carry out your giveaways

  • Easypromos provides the organizers with a certificate to show that the prize draw was carried out 100% randomly and with no possibility of being manipulated. This process is automated and certified by a public notary. This eliminates suspicions and complaints about how the winners are chosen. The system makes it impossible to cheat or to assign winners manually.
  • The platform generates a video to announce the winners on social media in an original and fun way. You can customize the video with Stories and Feed formats. 
  • The system includes the “Claim your Prize” feature that allows you to send a notification to the winners, validate their participation, and obtain their contact details. Organizers can also download an Excel file with all the winners’ data. 
  • Step-by-step tutorials are available to help you manage your giveaway. And in case you need further assistance, you can contact our customer support team via live chat.