First things first: why should you run winter Facebook Giveaways? And what exactly are the benefits?
When you share a contest or giveaway on your social media, you can:
- increase followers
- improve engagement
- showcase your products
- get customer views and feedback
So Facebook giveaways are a valuable tool, and they should be a key part of your digital marketing strategy.
However, before we dive in, let’s just note a few boundaries. Facebook has some strict rules about platform use and data privacy. That means you can’t require users to:
- follow you
- share your posts
So are winter Facebook giveaways still useful? Yes! Creative, original contests promote engagement in a way that the Facebook algorithm will reward. And experience tells us that many users will like and follow your page without even being asked.
In this post, we’ll share 6 examples of giveaways created with Easypromos. And we’ll explain how you can upgrade each idea for a truly viral promotion.
Promote your product with winter Facebook giveaways
Hopefully you’re sipping on a nice hot coffee, tea, or cup of hot chocolate while you’re reading this. How about adding a little something extra?

In this winter Facebook Giveaway Cupcake Coffee Box gave their followers the chance to win one of a range of coffee liqueurs. Users just had to like the post, in order to enter the prize draw. This was a quick, easy way to alert customers to new products – and increase activity on the brand’s Facebook page, too.
Upgrade this promotion: Facebook’s algorithm doesn’t just look at how much people interact with your page. It looks at the quality of those interactions, too. So encourage your followers to give opinions or answer interesting questions, instead of just liking your posts. For example, this brand could have asked followers which flavor they like best, or when and where they like to drink their coffee. Open-ended questions are also fantastic to start real conversations with your audience.
Banish the cold with winter fashion giveaways and home accessories promotion
Still feeling chilly? Winter is here… the season of fuzzy socks, cuddly blankets, and big woolly jumpers! Share cozy clothes, accessories, and homeware with your followers.

Here’s an example from a homeware store. They offered two luxurious blankets from Zara to their followers. Users just had to comment and explain how they are keeping warm this winter.
Upgrade this promotion: This post is a great example of best practice in winter Facebook giveaways. They’ve explained the contest, highlighted the end date, and included terms and conditions. There’s just one thing missing… a bit of excitement! Use colorful photos and emoji to brighten up your posts.
Facebook giveaways to promote winter health and beauty products
Cold and wet weather can be bad for your health. Common complaints are winter flu or dry skin. And the long, dark evenings can lower your mood – so some self-care is just what the doctor ordered. Share health and beauty products to pamper your followers and show them you care.

This cosmetics brand shared a valuable winter skincare set with their followers. Users entered the contest by commenting to say why they deserved the prize!
Upgrade this promotion: Health and beauty products can be very specific. Everyone has different needs! So you could learn more about your customers, and target their rewards, with a quick survey. Ask a few key questions, and offer the perfect prize based on each user’s results.
Escape the winter with a holiday giveaway
Who doesn’t love a winter holiday? It’s the perfect time to get away from it all – and maybe find a change of weather, too.

This holiday cottage company decided to boost their winter marketing campaign by giving away a luxury holiday in North Devon. As with all winter Facebook giveaways, it was a powerful way to tell more people about the brand.
So far, we’ve been looking at simple winter Facebook giveaways, based on likes or comments. But you can add something a little more complex! When you create a Voting Contest, Knowledge Quiz, or Coupon promotion – in fact, any type of Easypromos promotion – you can share the link in your Facebook posts. And if you have more than 2,000 followers, you can also add the promotion to your profile as a tab for desktop users.

Take a look at this example from a TV cooking channel. They ran a Writing Contest to collect the best winter comfort food recipes. Although the promotion had its own website, they also embedded it on their Facebook page, for easy access and a bigger audience.
Upgrade this promotion: If you ask your followers to share photos, videos, recipes, or text, then consider publishing the results in a gallery. Users can view, vote, and share their favorites. It’s an easy way to double engagement with your campaign.
Ready to get started with your winter Facebook giveaway? Then click here to create a free account. Do you have some questions? Don’t hesitate to Online Chat with us!