Activities to Foster Employee Engagement on Valentine’s Day

Kamila Palka
Kamila Palka
The day of romance and love is an event that knows no borders. It’s celebrated all around the world, and over the last years, we’ve seen a great increase in brands looking to celebrate it with their employees. It goes much further than giving a gift or sending a fun email with hearts and cupids. Many companies see Valentine’s Day as a superb team-building opportunity. And as with any team morale-boosting activities, employers need ideas and examples for celebrating the day reserved (not only!) for lovebirds. So… Do you want to celebrate Valentine’s Day in the workplace and need ideas? We’re about to share a few!

Wouldn’t it be great if Valentine’s Day was a bank holiday? Unfortunately, this is not the case in any country! People all around the world leave their homes on the 14th of February and head to work. But it doesn’t have to be just another day in the office. Employers can boost team morale by organizing activities to Foster Employee Engagement on Valentine’s Day . 

So if you’re looking for amusing ideas for Valentine’s Day activities at work, this blog post is for you! We’re about to take you through some great examples and explain what you can get out of them. And the best part is that productivity won’t decrease that day… because with Easypromos everything happens online!

Let’s take a look!

Send fun Valentine’s card for co-workers

One of the most popular Valentine’s Day traditions is Valentine’s cards! Do you remember the excitement of finding a Valentine in your school locker? There’s a way of replicating it!

Captivate your employees and generate good office vibes with fun Valentine cards. Encourage your team to express their sympathy towards their colleagues through online postcards that come with messages like “You make work much more fun” and “I may not love working on V-Day, but I love working with you!“. Cute, right?!

Activities to foster employee engagement. Scenes application used to create Valentine's Day postcards

Use the Easypromos Scenes app as a card personalization tool; after spending just a few minutes to customize the application with your logo, you can send a direct link through email, work chat, or Whatsapp. Each employee can create a fun Valentine card, personalize it with a message of their choice, and send it to their favorite workmate.

Use an interactive prize wheel to make it a special day

Why don’t you host a V-Day breakfast? Grab some croissants, bagels, cookies, and fruit and hand out goody bags full of merchandise or product samples from befriended companies. Or why don’t you just generate some positive rivalry and excitement with an interactive prize wheel? Apart from chocolates, dinner vouchers and cinema tickets you can give away extra days off! Just tell us… Who wouldn’t love that?

For a better experience, the prize roulette can be customized with your company logo and colors. You can also choose how many prizes you want to distribute, as well as decide on the number of no prize segments.

Activities to foster employee engagement. Spin the Wheel application used to distribute Valentine's Day prizes

Here’s a great example of a Valentine’s Day prize wheel. The well-known “He/she loves me, he/she loves me not” added a romantic touch to this corporate prize wheel. The red segments came with a prize, the black ones without. 

Do you like the idea of launching a Valentine’s wheel for your workmates? Try our Valentine’s prize wheel DEMO below and download the pre-configured template to prepare your promotion just in a few minutes!

Entertain your colleagues with a fun game to celebrate Valentine’s Day in the workplace:

Who are the people that work best together? Would you be able to name the people working in the same department? In this following example, it’s all about work relations! Challenge your employees to match the people that form the best teams or those who always prank each other. 

Activities to foster employee engagement. Celebrate Valentine's Day with a Match it game

The main objective of this game is to improve employee relationships and reinforce the team as a whole. And it’s very easy to configure the Match It application! All you have to do is edit the text and upload your logo along with headshots of your employees. You can then run a random giveaway among those colleagues that correctly matched all pairs. 

Organize a Personality Quiz to find out who’s the most romantic coworker

Entertain your employees with a fun personality quiz to discover who’s the biggest softie in your team, or to find out who absolutely hates romance! Every participant will see a personalized message based on their answers once they complete the quiz. 

The quiz can be based on romantic questions, Valentine’s Day history, or even the history of your company. The best thing about the Personality Quiz application is that you can fully customize the final message displayed at the end of the quiz. So no matter the topic, the final message can be fully customized and adequate!

Activities to foster employee engagement. Celebrate Valentine's Day with a Personality Quiz.

If you want to create a Personality Quiz, then here’s some good news! It’ll take you only a few minutes if you choose to use our pre-configured Valentine’s Day Personality Quiz. Just change the logo, edit the text and you’re ready to go. 

Vote for your favorite workmate 

In every company, there’s that one person that can make anybody laugh. And Valentine’s Day can be the day their humor and fun personality get rewarded. Invite your colleagues to celebrate Valentine’s Day by voting for their favorite coworker. Here’s how it works:

  1. Encourage everyone to nominate their friends. You can vote for the funniest person, the most clumsy, or the one that always comes up with the best ideas.
  2. Configure the Pick Your Favorite contest with the candidacies. Don’t forget to add the nominees’ pictures.
  3. Share the contest link with the whole team and invite them to pick their favorite teammate. 
  4. Once the voting period is over, announce the winner and make sure you reward them with an attractive prize, such as a gift voucher, a fun t-shirt, or a day off!

Take a look at what a Pick You Favorite contest looks like.

Activities to foster employee engagement. Pick your Favorite contest for Valentine's Day.

Valentine’s Day Timed Quiz: a fun way to engage your employees

If the main goal of your Valentine’s Day work activities is to engage and entertain your employees then this one’s for you; you can generate positive rivalry with a Timed Quiz! And here’s how it works: 

  • The Timed Quiz app allows you to launch a quiz with a time limit to answer each question.
  • The more questions you answer correctly the more points you score.
  • There are three different types of the Easypromos Timed Quiz: Pop Quiz, Multi-Round Quiz, Sudden Death. Find out more about the Timed Quiz options

The participants receive points for answering the questions correctly and they also get bonus points for the remaining time. Once the quiz is finished the points are added up and then displayed in the ranking. Engage your employees further by letting them participate more than once!

Celebrate Valentine's with a Timed Quiz

It might seem like launching a Timed Quiz might be difficult but believe us, it’s easier than you think! Just simply try our Valentine’s Day Timed Quiz DEMO and then download our template with some pre-configured Valentine questions. 

So… Are you ready to celebrate Valentine’s Day in the workplace? Don’t worry if you still have some questions – just contact our Support Team

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