How to use Easypromos to promote your restaurant or venue

Attract new guests with prizes and discounts

Attract new guests with prizes and discounts

Attract potential customers with prizes and discounts redeemable in your restaurant. They only have to scan a QR code, enter their details, and spin the wheel or scratch the scratch card for a chance to win. The winners get a digital voucher immediately, and it's up to you to decide how long they have to redeem their prize.

exclusive giveaways

Buy to win - product

Offer guests the chance to win when they buy a specific product at your restaurant. The staff can have a QR code printed that they show the guests when they buy the product. Without this QR code, they can’t participate. Give away direct prizes such as discounts or merchandising that the staff can hand over right away. A good way to promote a new product.

stamp card

Digital stamp card for recurring customers

Take the traditional stamp card to the digital space and reward guests who come back time after time. Users only have to register the first time, and can then register their purchase for every time they buy in your establishment. In addition, you get their details so you can send out marketing emails (if you ask for permission).


Reward bigger bills

Make your guests feel appreciated with a chance to win prizes when they spend more than the amount you choose. All they have to do is enter their data and upload a picture of the receipt. The OCR technology will automatically check if the receipt is valid according to the conditions you set up. You can give direct prizes, and/or run a final random draw.


Offer entertainment and prizes on special days

How about a cute Match-It game for Valentine’s Day? A Hidden Objects game for Thanksgiving? Or a Puzzle for Christmas? There are many options, but the point is to make the most of these special days in the calendar. You can give prizes to the best in the ranking, or with a final random draw. Give prizes related to the day.

generate engagement

Create engagement on social media

You can either ask users to comment on a post, on Instagram, Facebook, and X, to enter a giveaway. You can, for example, ask them about their favorite dish from your restaurant. That way you also get information that you can use for further improving your service. Run a random draw to pick the winners.

brand ambassadors

Turn your guests into brand ambassadors

Ask your users to mention you in that Instagram Story that they’re going to post anyway and that way get a chance to win prizes. Best for shorter campaigns, as you can collect stories for up to 7 days. After that, you run a random draw among all participants. And announce the winner on your own stories, of course.

satisfaction survey

Customer Satisfaction Survey with Prize

Share a QR code so that customers can evaluate their experience at your restaurant. Encourage participation in the survey by offering discounts or organizing a raffle among those who complete it.

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