How to Use Instagram Giveaway Templates to Launch Your Promotions

Sílvia Martí
Sílvia Martí
It is increasingly common for brands to capture the attention of users on Instagram with giveaways. Offering an exciting prize which followers can obtain by interacting with the brand and its posts is a highly-effective action. It is also a relatively straightforward tactic. However, it still needs to fulfil the typical requirements of a promotion: clear instructions for entry and a transparent method for awarding prizes. That’s why we recommend using a giveaway template on Instagram, especially if this is your first time organizing this type of action and you have doubts on how to set it up. However, it's also a great option for anyone looking for creative resources or to save some time. Read on!

Instagram giveaways are the most popular promotions among brands with an online presence. They’re easy to set up and promote, and they’re quick and simple to take part in. You’ve probably already come across a wide range of sweepstakes on Instagram; on some occasions, users follow a series of complicated steps to participate in the promotion. But if you’re already familiar with Easypromos, you’ll know that we always recommend opting for simple dynamics; ones that are fully aligned with Instagram’s guidelines. And Instagram gives very clear instructions: look for genuine forms of interaction, seek to create conversations with your community, and you will achieve valuable engagement.

But sometimes you just don’t have the time to plan and create the perfect giveaway post. That is why we prepared free Instagram giveaway templates; they’re everything you need to create the post announcing your promotion on your Instagram profile. You’ll also find new ideas for giveaway themes. Having a theme for your promotion will help you attract a bigger audience and provide extra value to your action!

More than 50 Instagram giveaway templates to help you create your post. The Editor allows you to personalize the post and publish it directly on Instagram from Easypromos!

Reasons to use a template for your Instagram giveaway

Every day, our support team receives calls for help from brands that have launched an Instagram giveaway but are having problems selecting a winner. This is partly because running an Instagram giveaway seems like such an easy dynamic that brands create and publish the giveaway post without using templates and without making sure they’ve made everything perfectly clear to participants. Then they come up against the limitations of this social network for doing what needs to be done. For example, it’s not possible to automatically see which users shared the giveaway post on Instagram, which users followed the organizer’s account, or which users “liked” the post. Nor is it possible to automatically give more entries to the user who commented the most. Does any of this sound familiar? 

The main reason for using an Instagram giveaway template—especially if you’re not used to organizing this type of promotion—is to avoid problems. At Easypromos we try to help our clients launch giveaways as simply and transparently as possible. One of our prime objectives is to ensure that brands can create promotions safely. We’re always ready to chat, and you can also check out our Guide to Creating an Instagram Giveaway Post.

Templates will also help you save time. They come with suggested text that covers the most important aspects, such as the “Call to Action” and the most common entry requirements. This helps speed up the process of choosing the giveaway theme so that creating the post is quick and simple. As you can see in the following example, the template also indicates the size and type of image you should upload and gives you tips on customizing the picture.

instagram giveaway template

The third reason for using Instagram giveaway templates is to ensure that you don’t forget anything important. The template will tell you everything you need to do: create the call to action, announce the prize, explain the instructions, add the dates of the giveaway, and provide the terms and conditions.

Learn about the Instagram giveaway rules before launching your promotion.

Customize the Instagram template text with the Easypromos Editor

You can edit and customize the text and image of the Instagram giveaway from the Easypromos platform. The API allows you to manage the profiles and publish the post directly to your social media account from the same editor where you customized the text.

See how to use the Easypromos Editor to write and publish the Instagram giveaway post.

If you don’t want to work on the template text from the Easypromos Editor, send it to your email account. This enables you to work on the text whenever you want, using any text editor. And you don’t have to be connected to the internet. You can also publish the text directly to your Instagram profile and use the Easypromos platform afterward to import the giveaway comments and randomly select the winner.

instagram giveaway template download

So how can you use Easypromos Instagram giveaway templates? Just create your free Easypromos account to view and download all the templates. You can work on the template in two ways: directly from Easypromos or send the template file to your email. You can also view the templates in the Promotion and Giveaway Templates section of the Easypromos website.

Did you know that we also offer a Terms and Conditions template for Instagram giveaways? Use this to draw up the legal and practical terms of your giveaway. Share the link to your terms and conditions in the bio of your Instagram profile using our free tool for hosting legal bases.

Excited to start creating your Instagram giveaway but still have a few doubts? Chat with our support team and we’ll help you resolve them.