Easypromos ranks Top 5 of GetApp’s Social Media Marketing solutions

Randi Jensen
Randi Jensen
97% of the user reviews in GetApp are positive, and 94% would recommend us to a friend or a colleague. These numbers, together with other strengths like the integrations, the mobile functionalities, presence in media and the security that the platform offer, has placed Easypromos as number 5 in the Top 25 ranking of Social Media Marketing solutions for small and medium businesses in the first two quarters of 2017.

“Easypromos came in at #5 for this quarter’s Category Leader ranking of Social Media Marketing solutions, maintaining its spot in the top five for the last four consecutive quarters. A score of 16 for its security features and 13 for its mobile capabilities helped contribute to an overall score of 57, solidifying its spot as one of the leading Social Media Marketing solutions in the cloud”, says GetApp Social Media Researcher, Suzie Blaszkiewicz.

One of the most important characteristics of the corporate culture in Easypromos is to offer an excellent customer service. To do that, the main goal for the whole team is to help and give support to the users to solve every question they may have about the platform. Read the reviews of the platform and get to know the strenghts of the platform.

Some opinions that show Easypromos’ qualities:

  • Excellent customer service, from the beginning: “Despite the fact that it was the first time that I used it, and it was free, the technician was attentive, friendly and very professional. In fact, if it hadn’t been for his help, I would not even have finished creating our promotion. And when someone does their job well, you have to say it loud.”
  • An extensive and versatile platform, at a very affordable price: “There are a lot of campaign types that you can use and I love to use it. You can integrate your campaign with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. This is the best application compared to the price. Very affordable.”
  • Responsive, embeddable multi-platform: “The truth is that with Easypromos we found the answers to everything we were looking for. From then on, all the contests, sweepstakes and promotions that we run, we create them with their application.”
  • Constant innovation: “What I like about Easypromos is its constant renewal. They work every day to continuously improve customer satisfaction and adapt quickly to changes in Facebook and all networks which they work with. In addition, they increasingly incorporate new features without increasing the cost of applications. They work really well and reply immediately if you have any questions, not staying in the tutorial but simply recommending the best options to get the best results.”

We will keep working so that this will always stay the same. With innovation, commitment to the customers and future vision to be able to offer timely applications at all times.

Do you know that you can access the platform to see how it works without having to pay anything? Create your account and try our tool to create your online marketing promotional campaigns.