How to Pick a Winner of an Instagram Giveaway with Multiple Posts

Kamila Palka
Kamila Palka
So your Instagram giveaway is up and running, or maybe you’re about to finalize it and now find yourself asking the following question: how do I pick a winner of my Instagram giveaway with multiple posts or ads? Read on to learn more about the most reliable Instagram giveaway picker for multiple posts on the market.

Instagram giveaways have undoubtedly changed the social media marketing world. Thanks to comment-to-win Instagram promotions, brands have been growing significant online communities, generating high-quality engagement and increasing brand visibility and awareness. Many companies discovered that in order to reach a wider audience and draw more participants, it’s sometimes necessary to promote Instagram giveaways in more than one post. Some Instagram giveaway organizers also learned that using sponsored posts is an infallible way of drawing attention to their contest. 

In this article, we take a look at all the aspects that you must keep in mind when creating Instagram giveaways in more than one post. We’ll give you tips, advice, and examples from brands that successfully organize Instagram giveaways with multiple posts. Read on!

Why run Instagram giveaways with multiple posts

Instagram can boast of roughly one billion monthly active users – and that’s an impressive number! That’s why it’s not surprising that your giveaway post might get lost among all the content shared by other Instagram users – including your competitors and other brands. So if you’re launching an Instagram giveaway, promoting it in more than one post is a clever way to reach more participants and generate more visibility for your brand

But first, let’s make a list of things you should have in mind when sharing your giveaway posts on Instagram:

  • Timing: timing is everything! View your Instagram post insights to know when the best time for your posts. You can then schedule your giveaway announcing posts so that they’re published when they’re more likely to be seen by your followers. 
  • Visuals: giveaway announcing videos and photos must be attractive. Make sure you share high-quality content, with words like win or giveaway visible on the image. It’s always a good idea to showcase the prizes, too. 
  • Text: use the description section to drive even more attention to your giveaway posts! Divide the text into different sections so it’s easier to read. Once again make use of words like win and giveaway for better results and don’t forget to use emojis. 

These three tips are must-dos for any kind of giveaway post. And they obviously apply to your giveaway with multiple posts, too! 

Instagram giveaway with multiple posts, example from Vidal

So… Back to the reasons for running Instagram giveaways in more than one post. We’ve mentioned the extra visibility and reaching more potential participants. One post giveaway announcements are enough if your comment-based promotion is running over a short period of time. However, if your campaign is looking to grow your Instagram following and encourage more sharing, you might want to open the participation dates for longer than just a couple of days. Anywhere between seven and ten days is a good bet! But obviously, you can invite Instagram users to participate in your promotion over two or even three weeks. As long as your participation period is longer than five days, we recommend sharing more than just one giveaway announcement post. 

So why not publicize the giveaway in multiple publications but ask users to participate in one post, you might ask. This might cause too much confusion, disappointment, and bad experiences for your followers even if you clearly explain what they need to do. Obviously, they’d have no one to blame for not carefully reading the post but it’s better to stay on the safe side and provide only positive experiences for your followers. With Easypromos you can publicize your giveaway in multiple posts and then add all the comments to one prize draw.

Learn about the Instagram giveaway rules before launching your promotion.

Why use the Easypromos Instagram giveaway picker for multiple posts

The Easypromos Instagram Giveaway picker for multiple posts is the most reliable and complete tool on the market. Apart from using it for single post giveaways, you can also use it to:

  • Choose winners from up to 10 different Instagram posts
  • Pull comments from sponsored posts and ads!
  • Organize your giveaway with other brands, influencers, and collaborators. You can then invite them to add the posts made on their profiles without having to share login details and passwords. 

There are more than these three reasons to run your Instagram giveaways with us. In fact, why don’t you go ahead and discover the 20 reasons for organizing your Instagram giveaways with Easypromos?

Examples of Instagram giveaways with multiple posts

To help you understand the concept of running Instagram giveaways in more than one post, we’re going to show you examples of brands that have already mastered this technique. 

Remind users of the last day to participate

Let’s start with Hozelock, a British gardening brand. Hozelock wanted to promote their automatic watering controlling kit – right in time for the summer holidays. The organizers announced the sweepstakes on August 13 and invited their followers to comment on the post with their favorite holiday destination. August 22 was the last day to participate and that’s when Hozelock published another post, encouraging people that haven’t already participated to do so. The brand cheered more Instagram users to comment on the post, leaving exactly the same participation requirements as in the original post. 

instagram giveaway with multiple posts

It was a great way to further boost engagement and reach users that didn’t see the original giveaway post. Take a look at how Hozelock used exactly the same style for both content pieces, sticking to the same design and only changing the background. 

Shower Wall UK followed exactly the same steps as the brand shown in the previous example. They informed their followers of their newly launched giveaway and invited everyone to participate. On the last day of their Instagram promotion, they shared another post targeting those that didn’t yet enter the giveaway. 

instagram giveaway with multiple posts

Need a head start with your Instagram giveaway? See our 50+ Instagram giveaway templates that’ll help you launch your giveaway in minutes!

Pull comments from sponsored posts and add them to your Instagram giveaway

The second most popular reason for using our Instagram giveaway picker for multiple posts is the use of sponsored posts. If you used Facebook ads to promote your Instagram giveaway – kudos to you! It’s always an excellent idea to try and attract more participants. Here’s an example from a producer of milk formula. In this particular case, the brand used sponsored posts to drive traffic to their registration form giveaway, however, you can see how it’s possible to also comment on the sponsored post.

instagram sponsored post

Therefore, if this would have been a traditional Instagram giveaway, the organizers could have pulled comments from their organic and sponsored posts and add them to our Instagram comment picker for multiple posts to draw a random winner.

Instagram giveaways with multiple posts: sweepstakes with collaborators, sponsors, and influencers

Are you planning to combine forces with another brand or popular influencer? This is always a great opportunity to grow your following and reach a wider audience as your brand gets exposed to other communities. Organize an Instagram giveaway on your profile in collaboration with another account and let users participate on both profiles. This will add to the positive experience and – in the meantime – generate new followers. Here’s an example from a Spanish athlete that collaborated with one of her sponsors.

instagram giveaway with multiple posts: sponsors and collaborators

Both accounts shared the giveaway post with their followers and invited them to enter the promotion. Once the participation period came to an end, one of the organizers used our Instagram giveaway picker for multiple posts and invited their collaborator to add the giveaway post from their account. All that without having to share login details! The second organizer could add their giveaway post through a unique link generated by the app. 

Planning a similar action? Find out more about running Instagram giveaways with influencers.

Instagram Advent Calendars: fun countdowns that generate engagement

We’re all familiar with the concept of Advent Calendars. Back in the day, they were all about chocolates and small toys hidden behind the little paper door. But with the development of technology, they have also been digitalized – luckily for brands with an online presence! Apart from online calendar apps, brands opt for counting down days until Christmas with their Instagram communities. But instead of sharing simple posts, some companies decide to take this as an opportunity to generate further engagement. Each countdown post is a new giveaway – or an opportunity to participate in a grand giveaway that will be finalized once Christmas arrives. Learn more about Instagram Advent Calendars organized in multiple posts. 

Are you promoting your giveaway in more than 10 posts? Use our Multi-Network Giveaway app that allows you to add up to 25 giveaway posts. Additionally, it allows you to add posts from various social media networks.

Do you have more questions about running Instagram giveaways with multiple posts? Don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Support team!